First Post

Welcome to the Year of Fun, one and all!

Anna and I are both taking a year off from regular employment to travel.  We’ve been daydreaming about doing this for years.  It’s actually happening (we’re leaving Seattle tomorrow morning!).  

On this blog, our lucky readers (that’s you, Mom and Dad) will get to read about our latest adventures.  Assuming I am able to adequately navigate WordPress, you’ll likely also get to see some pictures of our exploits.  Here’s one from the day we left our beloved little apartment of three years — The Corner House.



Nice!  First picture success!

See you later, Seattle (and all our great friends and family here!).  Hello Year of Fun!  

I hope all of our marvelous and admirable readers enjoy following our travels.  Over and out for now.

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8 Responses to First Post

  1. gail wolkoff says:

    This is a great plan. I admire the risk Anna and you are taking by stopping regular employment to travel. Enjoy, Be Safe, and Learn!

  2. Carole Barr says:

    Wishing you safe journeys and amazing adventures! – Carole Barr (your Aunt Marilyn’s sister)

  3. dianadyer says:

    Looking forward to seeing you during your Year of Fun (of course!), but just as importantly, I’m looking forward to seeing the world through your eyes and having you share everything you see, do, and learn!

  4. I can’t believe you guys have been there three years! Whoa. Have fun!! See you in a couple months!

  5. Bethany says:

    Can’t wait to follow you (electronically though I’d prefer literally) and live vicariously through you for this year! Wohoo!!!

  6. Rosanne Davis says:

    Two very happy campers!

  7. Maria says:

    So excited for you! Sorry I didn’t get to see you before you left! At least now I can keep track of what you’re up to 🙂

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